Empowering Healthcare Professionals & Organizations With Resilient Solutions

The list of publications is exhaustive, however a few to explore are:

Publication Indexing
Allocation scheduling leads to optimum utilization of operation theatre time Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mjafi.2020.09.005
Impact of application of queuing theory on operational efficiency of patient registration Elsevier https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mjafi.2021.06.028
Improving the efficiency of Refraction Services at a Tertiary Care Eye Hospital using Action Research Methodology EBSCO, DRJI, I2OR https://www.jrfhha.com/doi/JRFHHA/pdf/10.5005/jp-journals-10035-1093
Planning and Cost Estimation for Medical Gasses Manifold Services For A 300 Bedded Hospital NLM UI 9109129 & ISSN 0970-9452
Introducing Structured nurses record format for saving Nursing Documentation Time: A Quality Initiative Pubmed , NLM, DRJI, ESJI
Effect of HR interventions based on Biometric Attendance system record to improve employee absenteeism NLM UI 9109129 & ISSN 0970-9452
https://www.ahaindia.or g/journal/article-1-effect-hr-interventions-based-biometric-attendance-system-records-improve-employee
“CBRN Facility –Planning and Designing” JAYPEE Publication, ISBN 9789389188981

Other Scientific Healthcare Process Optimization Studies

Reallocation of OPD room based on utilization Capacity Planning for CSSD services Based on work load
Study on Quality of Air in OTs and ICU’s of a Tertiary Care Hospital Streamlining the processes in the emergency depart utilizing markov chain algorithm.
Study of utilization of patient Grants of a Tertiary care hospital Study on patient & process flows at Onco daycare centre and introduction of appointment system based on chemotherapy time.
Designing of Strategy on Change implementation based on staff readiness in a Tertiary care hospital

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